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This new update can make Windows 11 run better on lower-end devices

Microsoft is working on a new update to Windows 11 that will help users use the latest operating system on current and affordable computers, reports Techradar.
The Windows 11 Build 22526 is currently available to members of the Insider access system and comes with many enhancements and improvements.
Although many new enhancements are minor, Microsoft is using this new format to try a new file location identification system. The software giant hopes that this new program will help users find important files using File Explorer very quickly.
The recent release of Windows 11 comes with a few new performance enhancements, however, File Explorer (which is a very important feature) is very slow and still crashes. One of the most notable problems is the slow pace of the Search function.
This operation seems to take a long time to restore the relevant search, especially if you have stored a large number of files in the built-in database.
This new update is expected to help users navigate large files faster, which will ultimately improve productivity. In addition, it will be very useful for users who will be running Windows 11 on cheap and up-to-date devices. Budget devices with weak computer systems often face longer lead times and lower performance.
Better file identification is not the only development that will be released in the future Windows 11 update. The report adds that further improvements are expected to include extensive speech support that will improve the quality of voice calls when using products such as Apple Airpods.
This new update is expected to come with a new “window” program for popular Alt + Tab functionality.
In the meantime, Microsoft has implemented its Guaranteed Security Service for all business users as an automated service. This function protects important data under a security-based security layer.
Considering the new version of the latest OS is only available to developers, it is not clear when the new features will be introduced to the public. However, these are all promising features for users who are struggling with File Explorers-related issues, especially for low-end devices.
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