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What is Internet of things (IoT)? About everything IOT 2020

What is the Internet of things (IoT)? About everything IOT:- Have you ever dreamed that when you wake up in the morning automatically your coffee starts brewing, some unseen computing device turn on the TV news starts reading your schedule and responds to your voice commands, etc?
Such types of things we have seen in the movie, or in science fiction Isn’t it! But now, in reality, all this will be possible. The technique that supports the above-mentioned things is known as the Internet of Things (IoT).
What is the Internet of Things(IoT)?
Sometimes it is known as the Internet of Everything (IoE). It consists of a web-enabled device that will collect or send data and also act on the data found in the surrounding, environments embedded with sensors, processors and communication hardware. This device is known as “connected “or small devices and is able to talk to other related devices. The process which is necessary for communication is machine-to-machine (M2M). It acts only with that information that they get from one another. Read Also: Every 5G networks city and region for every major carrier in the US
Amazing is that humans can give instructions or access the data but the device will do most of the work on their own that is without human intervention.
The existence of this technique has been made possible due to the tiny mobile components that are available these days.
The devices that will be connected, generate a huge amount of internet traffic like loads of data that can be used to make devices useful.
But can also be used for other purposes. No doubt, all this new data and the accessible nature of the internet devices will raise both privacy and security concerns.
Uses of Internet of Things (IoT) technology
Through this technique, you will be able to see real-time information that we have never done before. Even though we can monitor our families and homes by using remote to keep them safe.
Businesses can be improved, productivity increases, material waste will be reduced. By placing sensors in the infrastructure of the city will help in reducing the congestion on-road and also warn us before the infrastructure in danger.
Even the environmental conditions can be improved by the gadgets used openly and also reduce disasters. Read Also: Artificial Intelligence, Quantum Computing and The Laws of encryption
No doubt nowadays these types of gadgets and techniques are emerging everywhere to enhance any physical object.
Internet of Things (IoT): History
Kevin Ashton, co-founder of the Auto-ID Center in 1999 at made a presentation to Procter and Gamble (P&G) and in that he mentioned the Internet of Things and focused to incorporate new technologies.
In fact, MIT Professor Neil Greshenfeld’s in his book namely ‘When things Start to Think’ in 1999 did not use the IoT but provided a clear vision of IoT and its benefits.
It is said that IoT is evolved from several technologies that are from wireless technologies, microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), microservices and the internet.
It helped in bridging the gap between Operational Technology (OT) and information technology (IT) that will help in generating unstructured machine data and analyzed it for further improvements. Read Also: Sodium Batteries will Replace Lithium-ion Ones, says Scientist C N R Rao
Therefore, Ashton was the first person who had mentioned about the internet of things, who have presented an idea of connecting devices which already was there since the 1970s under the monikers embedded internet and pervasive computing.
IoT will take machine-to-machine (M2M) to the next level. IoT is a sensor of the network of billions of smart devices that connect people, systems and other applications to collect and share data. With the foundation, M2M offers the connectivity that enables IoT.
It is also said that the Internet of Things is a natural extension of supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) which is a category of the software application program for process control, to gather data from remote locations from real-time to control equipment and conditions. Let us tell you that SCADA systems include hardware and software components.
Also, we can’t forget that the concept of IoT ecosystem does not come on its own until the middle of 2010 when, in part, the government of China announced to make IoT a strategic priority in its five-year plan. Read Also: 5 Reasons to Buy Research Papers in Computer Science

How IoT work?

IoT ecosystem consists of web-enabled smart devices that use embedded processors, sensors and communication hardware to collect, send and act on data they acquire their environments.
IoT devices will share the sensor data that they take by connecting to an IoT gateway or another device where data is either sent to the cloud to be analyzed or analyzed locally.
Sometimes these devices communicate with other devices and act on the information that they get from one another. Human intervention is not required for the processing of the data. Read Also: Strategic investments by the operators will be key to India’s 5G evolution
IoT Benefits
Several benefits are offered by the IoT to an organization.
– Help in monitoring the overall business processes.
– Help in improving the experience of the customer.
– Save time and money.
– The productivity of the employee will increase.
– Adapt and integrate business models.
– Business decisions can be made better by IoT.
– Revenue generation can also be increased.
– IoT encourages companies to rethink the ways they approach their business, industries, markets and can also improve their strategies.
Disadvantage of IoT
– As several pieces of information will be shared by different devices so, the potential of a hacker to hack data or to steal confidential information will increase.
– Enterprisers have to deal with millions of IoT devices and so collecting and managing data will be a difficult task.
– If there is any virus in the system then all the connected devices will also become corrupted.
– As there is no international standard of compatibility for IoT, it is difficult for devices from different manufacturers to communicate with each other.
So we can say that the Internet of Things (IoT) is the interconnection through the internet of computing devices that are embedded in everyday objects, enabling them to send and receive data. Also, how it is used, what will be the benefits and disadvantages of IoT etc. Read Also: India’s growing manufacturing sector props up industrial automation equipment demand
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