
What is cryptocurrency copy trading and is it worth the risk for beginners?

As Bitcoin jumps to an all-time high of $64,000, novice investors are more eager than ever to participate in the cryptocurrency craze, aiming to book easy profits.

Interestingly, any investment in Bitcoin would have generated an 834% return over the last 12 months, while other currencies such as Cardano yielded over 3500% while Ethereum offered a 464.1% return.
Crypto trading has also spawned a social layer, with millions of users gathering on Reddit and Discord forums to discuss the potential market with experienced traders, hoping for some advice and investment tips in the process. Capitalizing on this trend, companies are now developing copy trading platforms, aimed to target novice investors who are seeking to earn profits.

What is copy trading?

Copy-trading platforms let users mimic the trades of more experienced traders. This allows novices to shorten the steep learning curve, while still maintaining full control of their accounts.
For instance, if an expert trader buys 100 shares of saying Tesla stock, you will do the same. If they sell coins when the price is high, you imitate them and do the same.
If they buy a cryptocurrency when the price falls, you will do the same, trusting that the trader expects the price to go up in the future.
Hayden Hughes, CEO of Alpha Impact, a crypto copy trading platform said, “There is too much noise and too much volatility from unqualified people hyping or hating coins.
We want to remove that noise and educate people about crypto trading and value investing by building a hub for investment insights where users can identify a top trader based on the trader’s actual trading history, and copy that expert’s trades through our platform.”
Crypto copy trading platforms are designed so that newbie investors don’t have to go through years of trial and error to learn how profits are booked.
You don’t have to take courses that explain how the crypto market works. In short, you don’t need to lose money while learning how the crypto market works.

But is it worth it?

This is completely dependent on who you copy and how much money you put in. Now, if the expert trader you are mimicking has a low-risk profile, you can safely put in more money without worrying much about losing your investment.
On the other hand, if the trader you are copying makes high-profit margins but also has a high-risk profile, you might want to consider investing less money. To put into perspective, copy trading is worth it only if you choose the right trader.
However, it is often beginners who benefit the most from copy trading, as they are the ones who are most likely to lose money if they were to trade themselves.
It is worth noting that a major risk of using a copy trading platform is that it has high transaction fees. These fees can eat into your profit. You should always be on the lookout for hidden fees when copy trading.

How does a copy trading platform work?

Apart from copying the trades of seasoned traders, community members, especially beginners, can also access the latest news from crypto experts, and learn the art of crypto investing through masterclasses and guides.
In turn, traders on the platform benefit from growing a follower base as a trusted opinion leader, which allows them to earn passive income from subscriptions and via a revenue share model that lets them earn a commission for each trade.
Hughes asserted that the goal is to allow people to invest smarter in cryptocurrencies “by connecting with the industry’s best traders with performance history and proven statistics; and the best part is, people, do not need to put money on our platform to copy traders–– they can copy traders from their existing Binance or investment account.”

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“We encourage traders to become key influencers and bridge communication between followers and traders, aiming to not only simplify copy trading but empower people to profit from cryptocurrencies by providing an educational platform where traders can explain their rationale behind trades and discuss strategies and industry news,” he added.

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iRobot Roomba i3+ vacuum robot review: Hands-free comfort, well almost

My experience with the first lockdown ensured that I had invested in a vacuum robot before the second Covid-19 lockdown. We had moved to a new house and needed all the help we could find, or buy. I went for the most affordable iRobot Roomba out there and have not regretted the purchase even one bit.

However, in hindsight, I think I should have bought something smarter, even if it meant an additional cost. I should have bought something like the Roomba i3+.

The Roomba i3+ is a lot like the Roomba 698 I have at home. The vacuum robot has the same design, though it looks and sounds different.
But what differentiates this new model though is the charging station, which now comes with a tower for the robot to empty the trash into.
The Roomba i3+ is also much smarter and does not waste time cleaning the areas it has been to already. Also, when it sees an obstacle it pauses for a second, almost as if figuring out its next move, and invariably plots a different route. On both these counts, I have to say the robot I own shows that I did try to save money while buying it.
There is more. The Roomba i3+ also seems to have much better control over the terrain. For instance, there is a fuzzy carpet at home that the older robot always gets stuck at the edge of. But the i3+ cleans the carpet too and that too without sucking in all the loose threads.
But as it trudges around the room, I could not help but notice how this robot had a much different drone than the one I had at home.
This could be because the Roomba i3+ has much stronger suction than the cheaper models from iRobot. And this is why it is able to pull out Lego pieces that had been lost in the fuzzy carpet weeks before.
The USP of the i3+, however, has to be the trash tower. When the robot is done cleaning it goes back to the charging dock. A moment after it did this for the first time, I was in for a shock.
The tower then sucks up all the trash from the robot, and in the process makes everyone aware that something out of the usual is happening.
My son ran out of his room and asked me if there was a robot uprising happening. The moral of the story, keep the Roomba i3+ charger ideally on a balcony or a part of the house that is not that frequented.
You can initiate this waste disposal process even using the app. The app, like with other Roomba robots, also lets you start a quick cleaning job, create a cleaning schedule, and even end a cleaning job in the middle. All of this is very convenient.
There are no negatives with the iRobot Roomba i3+ other than the fact that it can be a bit noisy at times, especially if it has picked up something like a paper or a toffee wrapper during its sorties.
Also, if that can’t wake you up from your Sunday afternoon nap, the trash transfer from the robot to the tower certainly will. Also, it is not like the precedence of the tower negates the need for handling of the trash at your end. You just need to do it from the tower now and not the robot itself like before.
The iRobot Roomba i3+ is certainly one of the most convenient vacuum robots around. But you have to pay a premium for this convenience as the Roomba i3+ has a starting price of Rs 44,900, given the present festive discounts. But for a lot of houses, this will certainly be a worthy investment.
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The battle for digital privacy is reshaping the internet

By Brian X. Chen

Apple introduced a pop-up window for iPhones in April that asks people for their permission to be tracked by different apps.
Google recently outlined plans to disable tracking technology in its Chrome web browser.
And Facebook said last month that hundreds of its engineers were working on a new method of showing ads without relying on people’s personal data.
The developments may seem like technical tinkering, but they were connected to something bigger: an intensifying battle over the future of the internet. The struggle has entangled tech titans, upended Madison Avenue, and disrupted small businesses. And it heralds a profound shift in how people’s personal information may be used online, with sweeping implications for the ways that businesses make money digitally.
At the center of the tussle is what has been the internet’s lifeblood: advertising.
More than 20 years ago, the internet drove an upheaval in the advertising industry. It eviscerated newspapers and magazines that had relied on selling classified and print ads and threatened to dethrone television advertising as the prime way for marketers to reach large audiences.
Instead, brands splashed their ads across websites, with their promotions often tailored to people’s specific interests. Those digital ads powered the growth of Facebook, Google, and Twitter, which offered their search and social networking services to people without charge. But in exchange, people were tracked from site to site by technologies such as “cookies,” and their personal data was used to target them with relevant marketing.
Now that system, which ballooned into a $350 billion digital ad industry, is being dismantled. Driven by online privacy fears, Apple and Google have started revamping the rules around online data collection.
IMedia publishers, app-makers, and e-commerce shops are now exploring different paths to surviving a privacy-conscious internet, in some cases overturning their business models. Many are choosing to make people pay for what they get online by levying subscription fees and other charges instead of using their personal data.
Businesses that can no longer track people but still need to advertise are likely to spend more with the largest tech platforms, which still have the most data on consumers.
This article originally appeared in The New York Times.
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Apple’s FaceTime is coming to Android, but there’s a catch

The Biggest Announcements of the Year at the World Developers Conference (in reality, does not Exist) major overhaul of the FaceTime application for video on the Market. FaceTime is not only becoming more and more features that you need, but for now, it seems to be that Facebook, Zoom, and Google Meet.
While FaceTime is one of the major reasons that people watch, the iPhone, in particular, has been announced as an exclusive application from Apple for your iPhone and iPad videos, is coming to Android and Windows platforms, leave all the fun.
The move to expand the FaceTime users off the Apple users, the change in a company-off approach, but it is in fact part of a wider strategy to attract more than just the Android/Windows users into the Apple ecosystem.
In addition, the two-way approach is a smart plan by Tim Cook to turn to video conferencing software, Apple, as a legitimate opponent, Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and at the same time, providing end-to-end data encryption, and a very interesting program.

What is FaceTime and how to use them?

The first announced the iPhone 4 in 2010, FaceTime, got its biggest update in over a decade this week during Apple’s keynote event, which in fact is made available by 2021. Right from the start, FaceTime is an app designed to provide video and audio of Apple users.
In a FaceTime call, the call can be made, between the Apple device and, despite the fact that it is available on Android and Windows platforms, video, and audio calling app, which has become a hit in us. The Free FaceTime app works on both Wi-Fi and mobile networks.
FaceTime is coming to Android, but Apple’s indoor garden wall Is still there
As part of the presentation of iOS 15, and in fact there in 2021, Apple has said that it will allow Android and Windows users to connect to a FaceTime call, and then later on in the year.
Technically, yes, yes, Android and Windows users can finally go to the FaceTime call, and it’s a big move by a company that is known for its tight control of its platform.
However, don’t expect the indoor garden wall, with Apple in order to go anywhere. In fact, this is Apple’s closed ecosystem of hardware and software is still there, even after that, the Android and the PC users, the accession to the FaceTime calls over an internet browser.
What Apple is saying that you are going to do that, Android and PC clients may not be able to independently build a FaceTime call. This will require an Apple device with an Apple account, and they will go on a call, only to be invited by Apple to the user via a link.
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In other words, Apple is still making the decisions on how the non-Apple users will have to make use of it and its use. Even though some may say that Apple did not open up its services to other platforms, but the truth of the matter is that Cupertino, only the Android, and Windows users to try out their core apps.
In addition, even in this format, Apple ensures that the call is encrypted.
If Apple wanted to do a FaceTime with a mobile platform, it is simple, has created a mobile app for Android, and many others.
Instead, Apple took a different path, such that the Android and Windows users to connect to a FaceTime call. In a sense, Apple is attracting Android users and Apple in the PC ecosystem. And why would Apple do this? Finally, Apple has created the best product in the market, you simply create an enclosed garden for the company.

Apple’s FaceTime is coming to Android, but there’s a catch
FaceTime will be a competitor for the Zoom (type)

The rate of increase in importance in the last few months is not a short story. Many people are using Zoom to connect to the business, but also for personal needs.
All these months, Apple has been silent. However, during the course of this week’s annual fact is, Apple’s set the record straight, as it will have to be increased.
The company has also announced a new feature called FaceTime, FaceTime Search, there is one brand-new way to start a conversation on FaceTime to create a link, and that it is with others, even if there’s no Apple device.
This FaceTime is more competitive, in order to improve and the team, from Microsoft, is no longer there. These calls can also be designed and put into a calendar.
FaceTime on an Apple has always been a good option for the peeling, but now, with the introduction of their own, the core of the video chat apps for Android and Windows users via the world wide web, demonstrating a variable, market competition landscape. The idea is still to reach out to iPhone and Mac users and convert them to dedicated Apple fans.
Many people think that the FaceTime update, should have been last year at this time, it is hard for people to find a Zoom lens.
Even though it’s not exactly a good option, but when you consider the fact that Apple is providing its FaceTime, touch zoom, and then open it up to more and more users to the app, it just goes to show that Cupertino, take the appropriate steps in order to make a FaceTime-is a global video-conferencing platform.
Keep in mind that FaceTime is going to have a lot of new features in the fall, among other things, the support of the spatial audio, of the new icons, with good isolation of the system in order to improve the quality of the audio, FaceTime, and SharePlay.
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CES 2022 to be held in person in Las Vegas

CES 2022 (Consumer Electronics Show) will return to its Las Vegas location and will host a personal event in January 2022. The event will take place from January 5 to January 8, with media dates taking place between January 3 and January 4.
Back when the Covid crisis started in late 2019 and became a scourge in 2020, CES 2020 (Consumer Electronics Show) was the last major tech event ever to take place. Subsequent events including the MWC 2020 (Mobile World Congress) were to be canceled or held almost immediately.
Nearly 1,000 companies include Amazon, AMD, AT&T, Daimler AG, Dell, Google, Hyundai, IBM, Intel, Lenovo, LG, Panasonic, Qualcomm, Samsung, and Samsung -Sony, suggests Cnet report.
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The trend has continued at all major technology events by 2021 as many countries continue to face the fury of the epidemic, and human events themselves remain dangerous. However, as CES 2022 returns to Las Vegas, companies and consumers alike will be able to take advantage of the event.
“We are very excited to be back in Las Vegas – the home of CES for more than 40 years – and look forward to seeing more faces come back,” said Gary Shapiro, the organization’s president and chief executive officer, the report said. “Hundreds of executives have told us how much CES needs to meet new and still new clients, finding partners, media access, and new acquisitions.”
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CES 2022 to embrace and go digital

Attendees at CES 2022 will also be able to be part of the event in terms of numbers. Many concrete programs around the event will rely on Coronavirus-related safety measures from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


Oppo Reno 5 5G, Oppo Reno 5 Pro 5G With 90Hz Displays Launched; Oppo Reno 5 Pro+ 5G Teased

Oppo Reno 5 5G and Oppo Reno 5 Pro 5G have been launched in China as the latest entry in the Oppo’s Reno series. Smartphones feature great features such as an octa-core processor, quad rear camera setup, and fast charging support.
The company also mocked the Oppo Reno 5 Pro + 5G at the event and as the name suggests, it will be a top-notch phone in the series. The company has provided the official look of the phone and comes with three rear camera settings.
Oppo Reno 5 5G, Oppo Reno 5 Pro 5G: Price
Oppo Reno 5 5G is priced at CNY 2,699 (approximately Rs. 30,400) for the final 8GB + 128GB model and CNY 2,999 (approximately Rs. 33,700) for the final 12GB + 256GB variant. The phone is offered in three color options – Aurora Blue, Moonlight Night, and Starry Night.
The Oppo Reno 5 Pro 5G is priced at CNY 3,399 (approximately Rs. 38,200) for the final 8GB + 128GB variant and CNY 3,799 (approximately Rs. 42,700) with a storage option of 12GB + 256GB. It is offered with three of the same color options as the vanilla Oppo Reno 5.
Both calls are for pre-orders in China and will start shipping on December 18. From now on, Oppo is not sharing details about international availability.
Details of Oppo Reno 5 5G
The dual-SIM (Nano) Oppo Reno 5 5G runs on Android 11 and ColorOS 11.1 and above. Includes 6.43-inch full-HD + (1,080×2,400 pixels) OLED display with 90Hz refresh rate, 91.7 percent screen-to-body ratio, and 410ppi pixel density. The phone is powered by Snapdragon 765G SoC, paired with an Adreno 620 GPU with up to 12GB of RAM.
In hindsight, the Oppo Reno 5 5G comes with a quad rear camera setup that includes a 64-megapixel main sensor with f / 1.7 lens, an 8-megapixel sensor with ultra-wide-angle f / 2.2 lens, 2- a megapixel macro shooter with f / 2.4 unlock, and a 2-megapixel portrait shooter with f / 2.4 lens. Previously, you get a 32-megapixel sensor for selfies and video calls.
Finally, the Oppo Reno 5 5G comes with a built-in capacity of 256GB that is not expandable. Connection options include dual-band Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 5.1, GPS / A-GPS, Glonass, 3.5mm headphone jack, and USB Type-C charging port. The phone is powered by a 4,300mAh battery that supports 65W fast charging.
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The sensors on the board include a geomagnetic sensor, proximity sensor, accelerometer, gravity sensor, and gyroscope. There is also a fingerprint scanner displayed. The Oppo Reno 5 5G measures 159.1×73.4×7.9mm and weighs 172 grams. The Starry Night variant weighs 180 grams.
Details of the Oppo Reno 5 Pro 5G
The dual-SIM (Nano) Oppo Reno 5 Pro 5G runs on Android 11 and ColorOS 11.1 and above. Includes 6.55-inch full-HD + (1,080×2,400 pixels) OLED display with 90Hz refresh rate, 92.1 percent screen-to-body ratio, and 402ppi pixel density. Under the hood, the phone is powered by the MediaTek Dimension 1000+ SoC, integrated with the ARM G77 MC9 GPU up to 12GB of RAM.
By taking pictures, the Oppo Reno 5 Pro 5G has the same camera settings as the Oppo Reno 5 5G, on the back and front. The phone comes with up to 256GB of board storage that is not expandable.
Connection options include dual-band Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 5.1, GPS / A-GPS, Glonass, 3.5mm headphone jack, and USB Type-C charging port.
The phone is powered by a 4,350mAh battery that supports 65W fast charging. The sensors on the board include a geomagnetic sensor, proximity sensor, accelerometer, gravity sensor, gyroscope, and a fingerprint scanner. The Oppo Reno 5 Pro 5G measures 159.7×73.2×7.6mm and weighs 173 grams.
Details of Oppo Reno 5 Pro + 5G
While the company has not introduced the Oppo Reno 5 Pro + 5G alongside the other two phones, it has given the first look and looks like it is playing with four camera sensors in the back, positioned facing inside the camera module. Powered by Snapdragon 865 SoC, it supports fast charging of 65W, and will be available from December 24th.
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Specified specifications for the Oppo Reno 5 Pro + 5G suggest full HD + (1,080×2,400 pixels) AMOLED display with 90Hz refresh rate.
Depending on the optics, the phone may come with a quad rear camera setup that includes a 50-megapixel IMX766 main sensor, a 16-megapixel ultra-wide sensor, a 13-megapixel sensor with a lens lens, and a 2-megapixel macro shooter. Previously, the Oppo Reno 5 Pro + 5G was expected to feature a 32-megapixel sensor mounted on a hole cutter.
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The best iPhone 12 accessories you can buy now

Apple has just launched its latest set of iPhones and comes with 5G support. The new iPhone 12 series offers better features and is more expensive as well.
However, they also came with the support of MagSafe accessories, which makes them very fun. If you have already purchased a new iPhone 12 series phone, then you should check out some cool and useful accessories for your device. We have made a list of five iPhone 12 items you can buy now.

Leather cases for carrying cash or cards

iPhone wallet case
If you are looking for high-quality leather cases, you should look at Mujjo. The company currently offers leather cases with a packet of cards and can hold bank cards, ID, or 2 to 3 passenger cards. In Mujjo, you will find cases associated with the iPhone 12 mini, iPhone 12, iPhone 12 Pro, and iPhone 12 Pro Max. Prices start at $ 44.90, which is Rs 3,320 in India.
You can also purchase the Apple Apple Leather Wallet with MagSafe card holder attachment. It basically uses MagSafe to move the back of your phone, even if the device has a silicone back cover. It should be noted that wireless charging only takes place using charges, but not with the wallet included.

Privacy tempered glass

Privacy tempered glass
If you have a privacy issue and do not want anyone watching your phone, then you can buy a modest privacy glass from Daily Objects. They sell an “anti-peak” screen guard that prioritises the visibility of the screen to the owner and limits it from other angles to maintain data privacy.
It is basically equipped with a filter that allows light to pass only through sharp front angles, preventing human view from the side. Prices for the gentle screen protection of the iPhone 12 series start from Rs 699.

Belkin MagSafe 3-in-1 wireless charger

Car mount
If you have a Qi-based wireless charger, then you do not need to buy this Belkin Magsafe 3-in-1 wireless charger. However, you will not get as fast as Belkin. The product mentioned can include iPhone, Apple Watch, and AirPods simultaneously, which is great if you have 3-4 iOS devices.
The Belkin Magsafe wireless charger stand is said to offer up to 15W wireless charging for your iPhone 12. The charger has a nice design. At first, one may not believe that your phone is floating in the air, but the fact is that the drawers are holding it.

Belkin Car Vent Mount Pro with MagSafe

Car mount
If you own a car, you have to own the phone right when you hit the road. You can check out the Belkin Car Vent Mount Pro on its official site. As it is compatible with MagSafe, your phone will always be securely connected to the mount, even if it hits a loose track.
The convertible mount allows you to easily navigate from portrait to shape with one hand. Its cable management features also keep the wires up the way. Alternatively, you can purchase the Capdase Road Mount wireless charging via Flipkart, which will cost you Rs 4,599.

Armband for iPhones

You can consider buying the Tunebelt USA Sport Armband. It is washable by hand and you can also keep the earphone cord. The product protects from sweat and objects with full roaming with a clear protective window cover. Available via iPhone 12 Pro Max, iPhone 12 Pro, iPhone 11, iPhone 11 Pro Max, iPhone XR, and iPhone XS Max. Price starts from Rs 1,950.
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Microsoft Edge adds instant video calling feature to its browser

Microsoft has added new features like a quick video call feature, a new tool for screenshot and built-in price comparisons to its Edge browser, without adding extensions.
The video-calling tool will allow users to start video chat by simply clicking on ‘Meet Now’ on the new tab page. Users can create a link and share with up to 50 people who can join for free without signing up or downloading any app.
“Meet Now lets you share screens, chat with others and record sessions that last as long as you like,” Microsoft said in a blog post.Related:-Realme X Starts Receiving New Software Update With June Security Patch, PaySa and Heyfun Apps, More
The feature will appear in Edge this month, and will be available in Outlook on the web and the Windows 10 taskbar in the coming weeks.

Microsoft has added a new way to capture online content without the need of a separate screenshot tool. With the selection tool, users can screen-grab what they need from a web page. They can drag towards the bottom of the screen, and Edge will automatically scroll down to capture a long image and share with others for future reference.

The company is also rolling out a price comparison feature that lets users compare prices of a product across retailers with a single click.


Poco M2 Pro review: Redmi Note 9 Pro with little tweaks that matter

Poco distinguished himself from Xiaomi earlier this year to create an “independent” identity. However, Poco still takes over Xiaomi’s MIUI software, distribution, service channels, and the full range of smartphones.
Just as its ideology Poco’s product range confuses me a bit, it is trying to sustain itself in an already crowded industry. The Poco M2 Pro is actually the Redmi Note 9 Pro, because there are very few tweaks here and there.
If I look at Poco’s journey, with the Poco F1, it tried to bridge the gap between mid-range and flagship smartphones by bringing the Snapdragon 800 processor to under Rs 25,000. Then came the Poco X2, one of the best smartphones in India under Rs 20,000.
Now the company is bringing the new M series to attract consumers for the powerful smartphone under the Rs 15,000 bracket, hoping that Poco fans will come to Poco F2 India.

Poco M2 Pro review

On paper, the Poco M2 Pro looks promising (if we forget the fact that it’s a Redmi Note 9 Pro) and one of the best at the price point, but how is it used in real life? I have been using the Poco M2 Pro for about 10 days and I think here about this affordable Poco phone.
Poco M2 Pro Price in India: 16,999 (6GB RAM + 128GB storage)
Poco M2 Pro Features: 6.67 inch FHD + Display | Corning Gorilla Glass 5 Defense | 16MP front camera | 48MP AI Quad Rear Camera | 5000 mAh battery | Side-mounted fingerprint sensor | 33W fast charging support
What is good and what is not good?
When I opened the nicely packed Poco M2 Pro box, it reminded me of the attractive dual tone pixel design. The attractive glassy back looks unique, but the fingerprints are so light that it needs to be wiped off repeatedly.
You definitely need a transparent cover that comes with the box. The Poco M2 Pro does not look like any other smartphone in the price segment, it stands out from the crowd.
The quad-size quad-camera module is slightly smaller than the Redmi Note 9 Pro. Looks nice. Like the Poco X2, it also has a fingerprint sensor and is very fast at unlocking the device.
Poco has always focused on delivering good quality products and the M2 Pro is an example of this.
The phone is well built and feels firm in the hands. It is completely in my hand and easy to use with just one hand. However, it has a huge side, which may be due to the large 5000mAh battery, which is one of the best things about the Poco M2 Pro.

Poco M2 Pro is same as the Redmi Note 9 Pro with little tweaks that matter
Poco M2 Pro is same as the Redmi Note 9 Pro with little tweaks that matter

The M2 Pro handles my heavy usage well and lasts more than a day for me. Icing 33W fast charging support on the cake, which is bundled. The charger can fully juice the phone in less than an hour, which is enough for me.
While the battery provides great performance, I think the Poco M2 Pro has a lot of conflict in multi-tasking. I used the M2 Pro as my primary tool for about 10 days, which means I used the phone to browse my daily activities like calls, WhatsApp messages, emails, social media. Overall the phone feels very smooth, but most apps lag behind when running in the background or when I try to do a lot of work at once.
Well, this does not mean that the Poco M2 Pro does not perform all the basic daily tasks. It will not be very fast when you try to do a lot of things on the device. The phone handles lightweight games like Subway Surfer and Temple Run 2, but it slows down a bit when it comes to Asphalt 9.
The screen is another area, I think Poco would have been better. It is dull and reflective. Inside the house, the show was good, but did not dare outside Kolkata in the sun.

The square-shaped quad-camera module is slightly smaller than the Redmi Note 9 Pro
The square-shaped quad-camera module is slightly smaller than the Redmi Note 9 Pro

Apart from the minimal improvements I like to see on the Poco M2 Pro, the camera impresses me a lot.
The phone clicks beautiful, detailed images in broad daylight. Pro Color Mode is something I really like. It is similar to Realme’s Chroma Boost. So, if you like pictures that look vibrant then you are going to enjoy this genre to the fullest..Related:- Poco M2 Pro vs Redmi Note 9 Pro vs Realme 6: Which Is the Top Phone Under Rs. 15,000?
The macro camera could have been better though. The phone clicks good shots in macro mode but misses the details. The colors, however, look great. Ultra-wide images look good overall if not too zoomed in for details.
Night mode is another area where the phone could have been better. Pictures also clicked in details and color lacking light. Most of them look grainy.
Who should buy poco M2
Overall, the Poco M2 Pro is a well packaged phone. This phone is ideal for those looking for a smartphone under Rs 15,000 (base variant), offers great performance and great battery life, captures stunning pictures in most light conditions, and looks unique. Oh, it’s also for people tired of ads.
Source: Read Full Article
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Smart World

What’s the difference between 2G and 5G?

What’s the difference between 2G and 5G:- The basic differences between the 2.4 GHz and 5GHz wireless frequencies are bandwidth and bandwidth. Provides faster data rates for shorter distances of 5GHz. 2.4GHz offers more coverage, but runs faster.
Range: How far your data can travel. In most cases, the higher the frequency of the wireless signal, the smaller its range.
The big reason for this is that high frequency frequencies cannot penetrate solids such as walls, floors and low frequency frequencies. Thus, 2.4 GHz exceeds 5 GHz frequency.
Bandwidth (High Speed): High bandwidth means that files are downloaded and uploaded faster, and high bandwidth applications such as streaming video run smoother and faster.
High frequency enzymes allow data to be transferred faster, also known as bandwidth. Therefore, a higher bandwidth of 5GHz provides data connections faster than 2.4 GHz.

What’s the Real Difference Between 2G and 5G?

These numbers represent two different “bands” that your WiFi can use for its signal. The big difference between the two is speed. Under ideal conditions, the 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi router can support up to 450 Mbps or 600 Mbps, depending on the class. 5 GHz Wi-Fi supports up to 1300 Mbps.
Of course, there are some exceptions here. First, the maximum speed you can see depends on the router – 802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11n, or the wireless standard 802.11ac support.
You can learn more about whether you need 802.11ac and upgrade your wireless router and how those standards affect the contents of our guides.
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The second major warning is the key phrase we quote: “appropriate conditions.”
The 2.4 GHz band is very busy because it uses more than Wi-Fi. Older cordless phones, garage door openers, baby monitors and other devices use the 2.4 GHz band.
Longer waves using the 2.4 GHz band are more suitable for transmission over long distances and through walls and solids. So, it is better if you need the best range on your equipment or if you have a lot of walls or other areas where you need coverage.
However, since most devices use the 2.4 GHz band, the resulting congestion slows connections and is slower than that.
The 5 GHz band is very busy, which means you get more stable connections. You will also see high speeds. On the other hand, shortwaves that use the 5 GHz band reduce the ability to penetrate walls and solid objects.
It gets less effective bandwidth than the 2.4 GHz band. Of course, you could simplify that small range with range extensions or mesh Wi-Fi systems, but that would mean a huge investment.
Related:- Difference Between WiFi 5G vs 2G
Which frequency should you choose – 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz?
There are various factors that determine which band your devices should use. Many appliances in the world today use the 2.4 GHz bandwidth, including microwaves, baby monitors and garage door openers.
Your home may not have many of these devices and if you live in an apartment surrounded by other people, the 2.4 GHz band may be packed with multiple devices.
If you have a device near your router (but you can’t connect it to an Ethernet cable), we recommend setting the frequency to 5 GHz to reduce congestion and take advantage of higher speeds. 5 GHz band can provide.
On the other hand, if the device that travels the most around your home (like your smartphone) is too far away from your router, we recommend setting this device to a frequency frequency of 2.4 GHz.
This wavelength has a larger range and penetrates solids more easily than the 5 GHz band, making it ideal for devices that are far from room to room or router‌.
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Instructions for choosing the best frequency 2G and 5G
Most devices use only 2.4 GHz frequencies, all trying to use the same “radio space”, which increases the congestion of the channels. There are 23 channels available in the 5 GHz band to use version 3 in the 2.4 GHz band.
High congestion, interference, slow speeds and occasional connectivity issues can also occur. Some examples of devices that can cause interference are:
Order cordless phones
Baby monitors
Garage door openers
So, which 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz to choose?
If faster speeds are more important to you, then 5GHz is usually a better choice than 2.4 GHz.
While the wireless range is very important to you, 2.4 GHz is usually a better choice than 5 GHz.
If you have a lot of devices that use 2.4 GHz and you have interference or intermittent connectivity issues, 5 GHz is probably the best choice.
Related:- 5g network countries and region for every major carrier in the US
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